Spotlight: Sourcing – Organic Ingredients

Starting MOMO was our way of living healthier and more connected lives and with every bottle we hope to encourage others to do the same.
We knew we needed to start with sourcing the highest quality, organic ingredients. Our commitment to environmental and human health is cemented by our Soil Association Organic Certification.
The negative impact of pesticides and environmental pollutants on the gut microbiome has become an increasingly studied scientific field.
Tim Spector, in Spoon Fed: Why Almost Everything We’ve Been Told About Food is Wrong states:
‘Much of the role of the microbiome is to stabilise our immune system and stop it overreacting, so it’s not a far stretch to see how, by being exposed over long periods of time, these herbicides and pesticides could alter our immune systems’
Organic certification also matters to us as we wanted to reduce the environmental impact of our ingredients. Especially as a drinks company, the impact of pesticides on contaminating water felt very close to home.
Our ingredients are sourced from suppliers upholding the highest standards: farmers must uphold environmental stewardship, protect topsoil, avoid water contamination and encourage biodiversity.